Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC) with MongoDB
Lets first start with some basics of MongoDB. What is MongoDB? MongoDB is document-oriented NoSQL database. This is a collection of documents where data is stored in the form documents, unlike old SQL systems where data is stored in the form of tables. Here each document consists of the key-value pairs which are the building block of the NoSQL database. The data is stored in documents in the key-value pairs. example: { "first_name":"Ambarish", "last_name" :"Dashora" } So basically the data is stored in the JSON format called documents in MongoDB. Now we are here to connect, create, access, and modify collections and documents of MongoDB using java. So let's get started. First of all, we will learn how to set up a MongoDB client driver for java. I am assuming that you have installed MongoDB on your system. If not then download and install it from this link: MongoDB . Get M...