PROJECT-2 Picture Modifier

Picture Modifier

Picture Modifier is a desktop application created using java. It is an image editor with various features to edit an image. This application has been made using inbuilt libraries of java and its user interface has been made using java swing and Java AWT.

Before we move further here is the video which shows how this application works.

Features of this Application:

  1. It can modify RGB (Red, blue, green) components of an image by sliding the bar of the intensity of each component.
  2. It can modify the contrast and brightness of the image.
  3. Using this we can zoom in and zoom out to resize the image and we can rotate an image by 360 degrees.
  4. There are various filters available for the image like Grayscale, negative image, pencil art, dot portrait, etc.

How to install this application:

  • Go to this GitHub repository: Picture Editor - gitHub 
  • Download the zip file of this and extract it to your desired folder.
  • In the classes folder, there is a file named opencv_java420.rar, extract that file in that classes folder.
  • In that same classes folder, there is a PictureModifier.bat file just double click on that and then your application will start.
  • So it's done, this how the application will start working.


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