Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) with MySQL
JDBC -Java Database Connectivity
As the name suggests It is an API that enables us to connect to our databases using java. Using this we
can connect, add, update, delete, select -tables,columns,rows,databases i.e.
In short we can do everything, we want to do with our databases using
Now, I won't much talk about the theory, I will help you to understand -
how you can apply it. But don't worry I assure you that everything I
have shown here will give you complete understanding about JDBC and after
reading this blog you will be able to implement it in any of your
So let's begin this.
Get the driver for MySQL :
To start with MySQL you will first need a jdbc driver for MySQL, it is
called as 'MySQL connector ' .
You can find it on this link: MySQL JDBC Connector
- Choose the connector of your MySQL version.
- And choose OS 'platform-independent'.
During the MySQL installation, it can be installed together but I prefer to
use it separately.
So you will download a zip file (for windows) then unzip it and when you will
see inside the folder, there is a jar file(MySQL-connector-java-8.0.20.jar for 8.0.20 version) so all you need is that jar file. Just copy and paste that jar file in the
folder where you have your other jars of the project or you can put it
anywhere you want, but keep in mind while executing your program make sure
that you have added that jar file to your classpath.
So now we have a driver and we are all set to begin our first program.
Prerequisite :
- Java installed on your PC.
- MySQL community version installed on your PC.
- The driver which we have downloaded.
Let's begin,
Let's see the steps to write JDBC code.
1)Load the driver
First, We will load the driver for this we will write this line:
It is fixed, you have to load it first, everywhere you want to write JDBC
code of MySQL.
String in a double quote will be different for different database drivers.
Above one is for MySQL.
2)Connect to the database
To get the connection to the database you will have to write this:
Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myDB","username","password");
By this line, you will get a reference of connection to the database.
Just mug up it and keep these points in mind.
- localhost: host on which your MySQL server is running if it's different then specify the IP of that system.
- 3306: Port number on which MySQL server is running. If it's different then specify your MySQL server's port number.
- /myDB : The database in my MySQL server to which we want to connect. Specify your database name here.
- "username": Specify username of your database.
- "password": Specify password of your database.
We have done fixed things. These two lines of code will be written everywhere
we are using JDBC. Now let's write some code examples.
In Example 1 and 2 we will learn different ways to fire DATA MANIPULATION
LANGUAGE commands using java.
e.g. insert, update, delete.
import java.sql.*; class Example1 { public static void main(String gg[]) { try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/storedb","root","root"); //We have been now connected to the database storedb. //To fire the insert command we will create the reference of Statement. Statement s=c.createStatement(); //Passed the sql command to the executeUpdate() method of Statement class. //This will execute our statement. // We are inserting new data in a table of storedb database . s.executeUpdate("insert into employee (id,name,salary) values (1,'ABC',100000000)"); //close the statement. s.close(); //When we want to again fire the sql command we will have to get the reference of statement. s=c.createStatement(); int id=2; String name="PQR"; int salary=100000000; //here we are creating a string of sql command and we will pass this to the executeUpdate() method. String sql="insert into employee (id,name,salary) values ("+id+",'"+name+"',"+salary+")"; System.out.printf("The following SQL Statement will be fired\n[%s]\n",sql); //Passed the sql string s.executeUpdate(sql); s.close(); //closed the connection with storedb database. c.close(); System.out.println("Record inserted"); }catch(SQLException sqlException) { System.out.println(sqlException); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.out.println(cnfe); } } }
In Example-1 we have used the executeUpdate() method of Statement
We will always use this method when we want to fire SQL statements which
makes any change to the table data of the connected databases.
In the executeUpdate method, we can use various insert, delete, update etc
To create a sql statement with dynamic data which comes from other source and
stored in a variable we had to create a string with the concatenation of
variable values.
In the next example we will see that without concatenation also we can make a
dynamic sql statement.
import java.sql.*; class Example2 { public static void main(String data[]) { try { int id=3; String name="RAM"; int salary=100000000; //Load the driver Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //get connection to the database Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/storedb","root","password"); //Here instead of getting reference of statement, we will prepare the statement. //We took reference of PereparedStatement. //Passed the sql statement to prepareStatement() method of Connection class. //We have added the question mark where we want to get data dynamically in the sql statement. PreparedStatement ps=c.prepareStatement("insert into employee (id,name,salary) values(?,?,?)"); //Below setInt method will set the value of id at the place of 1st question mark. //We have passed it two arguments //FIRST-Count of question mark starting from one //SECOND- the value we want to insert at that question mark ps.setInt(1,id); //Similarly To setString we passed 2 and name means at second question mark put the value of name. ps.setString(2,name); ps.setInt(3,salary); //We called executeUpdate of preparedStatement class to execute sql statement here we willnot pass string //because we have already done it in prepareStatement. ps.executeUpdate(); ps.close(); c.close(); System.out.println("Record inserted"); }catch(SQLException sqlException) { System.out.println(sqlException); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.out.println(cnfe); } } }
In the above Example-2 we have used PreparedStatement class. It is
better than the first example where we had to parse the string.
For prepareStaement method where the data will dynamically arrive we will
place the question mark and there are methods like setInt(), setString()
etc in the PreparedStatement class which enables us to put data in SQL
If the data type of a column of the table is int then we will use
setInt() method.
If the data type column is char array, varchar or any string kind then we will
use setString method to put data at that question mark location.
To find more information about the methods
click here.
Till now we know how to fire DML commands using JDBC.
Yess, We can manipulate table data using java.
Wait, Let's do one more example to understand how we can fire DQL (DATA
import java.sql.*; class Example4 { public static void main(String gg[]) { try { //Load the driver Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //Get connection to database Connection c=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/storedb","root","password"); //We can use the preparedStatement also instead of this. Statement s=c.createStatement(); //Declared ResultSet reference variable ResultSet r; int id; String name; int salary; //For DQL command we will call the function executeQuery //it will return the reference of ResultSet object //the ResultSet will contain the data fetched from the 'select' query. r=s.executeQuery("select * from employee"); //Iterate on resultSet to get the fetched rows. //the next method will move on the rows that have been fetched and return true/false while( { //Using getInt, getString etc method we can get the values of different column of the selected row. id=r.getInt("id"); name=r.getString("name").trim(); salary=r.getInt("salary"); System.out.printf("id : %10d, name : %-30s, salary : %20s \n",id,name,salary); //Now we have got the information of columns at one row //The next() method will internally move to the next row and provide the data of that row. } r.close(); s.close(); c.close(); }catch(SQLException sqlException) { System.out.println(sqlException); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.out.println(cnfe); } } }
In the Example-3 we have used the method executeQuery() and passed our sql
query to fetch the selected rows of the table in ResultSet object.
Now we will iterate and get the data on each row.
So by this method, we have done or job to show data in your project.
There are still many things you should know but let it be for later blogs. For
now, you have pretty good knowledge to get started.
Thanks for reading
Happy coding😊😊
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